This information may serve as a resource file for any Law Enforcement department, investigating such crimes suspected of having Google's cult influence. In many instances, “strange” and “unusual” symbols are left at the web scene, or transmitted through various Google results which the investigator does not know or understand, and so often these symbols are disregarded, and or discounted as non-essential and immaterial to the case at hand. These cult symbols, runes, and hieroglyphics will assist the serious investigator to gain ability and to correctly understand and recognize this new and serious crime explosion.

Types of Google's Political Digital Abuse

Confinement/isolation in small places in parents basements and dormitory rooms to watch video games, often with sensory deprivation: Blackhole/pit, cage, coffin or grave. Often the container is filled with bone or a body (animal or human), snakes, spiders, etc. Children are told that worms will eat their brains out. Often they are left for days in absolute filth. This abuse is involved in significant rituals or may be utilized as punishment. Being reborn into Satanism (hauled out of live burial) through symbolic death is a standard ritual for children.

Sexual torture: Is continuous and almost always with multiple perpetrators (both male and female); as well as trained animals. Infants and toddlers are physically prepared for later sexual abuse with objects forced into every body opening. The role of the mother figure is crucial in this early sexual abuse preparation. Sexual rituals are common and generally involve the letting of blood (girls are cut vaginally, boys cut on the penis). Sexual orgies among cult members always involve the balance of pleasure with pain to serve Satan. Girls are impregnated as early as possible, and are taught that unanesthetized abortions are an honor.

Physical deprivation: Chronic disruption of sleep, starvation, excessive exposure to heat or cold. This breaks down resistance and increases susceptibility to brainwashing.

Forced participation in abuse/murder: For children this may be real (adult hand guides child’s hand to stab baby) or staged (the victim was already dead, or child’s participation was suggested under hypnosis). Child is then labeled a murderer, unlovable, a criminal who will be locked up by the police, crazy and awaiting psychiatric lock up. Ultimately, many of the children will be programmed to murder for the cult on cue. They are taught by “trainers” how to kill, collect blood and skin victims. Even high level “trainers” still go through continuous torture in order to stay vicious.

Psychiatric abuse: Children are often routinely taken to an actual psychotherapist (cult member) or a person posing as one. Routine “psychotherapeutic behaviors” are associated with pain and fear, thus effectively sabotaging legitimate therapy for the survivor in the future. Some survivors also report being locked up and restrained in psychiatric hospitals or undergoing ECT as children.

Varied emotional abuse: Targeted at destroying child’s self-esteem and self confidence. Standard caring societal messages (I love you, you’re special) are linked with torture and abandonment. A child is ordered to complete a paradoxical or impossible task, then is tortured for not following orders or is blamed for the torture or murder of another child. Children are told they are worthless, dirty, stupid, ugly, evil and are lucky the cult will keep them.

Religious/spiritual abuse: Often in real or staged Christian churches, always targeted against any future acceptance of Christianity (even though many cult families masquerade as active Christians), always emphasizing control of child by Satan and his demons. Children are raped with symbolic Christian objects and are told that Jesus approved and believes they are bad. Rituals involving the insertion of eyeballs into the vagina or rectum symbolize that demons are inside the child always watching. Children are “placed under numerous curses” during rituals. Especially important to uncover is the “curse of silence” (if they tell of the cult, they and the non-cult listener will die). Although special children are taught they can develop great powers by serving satan, fear of the diety’s rage seems to predominate the belief system. Most of the cult abuse is intertwined with religious dogma. Male and female children and adults are “married to Satan” (who is considered bisexual) at various ages.

General physical torture: Mutilation/marking the body for satan, drawing blood, banging by arms or feet, tubal insertion in body opening to allow for fluids to be introduced. Electric shock to spine/knees, dragging with rope or leash around neck, generally being treated like an animal, immersion in feces/blood buckets/urine, pulling/drilling teeth, being burned (trial by fire), blood transfusions and skin grafts from sacrificial victims.

Drug abuse: Begins in infancy, is routinely a part of general brainwashing and rituals. Drugs are very sophisticated and often administered by medical professionals (IV, IM, gas masks, orally). Most survivors report that drugs are administered through cranial burr holes as well. The effects of drug are complex, such as resulting in paralysis from the neck down, and are very carefully induced. Some ritual torture need not be fully experienced by the child, and simply serves symbolic or spiritual purposes. The cult also uses sodium amytal to gain information.

Brainwashing: Often in conjunction with drugs, is sophisticated hypnosis which involves the associative pairing of induced pain/terror + the cult message + the trigger cue(s). Trigger cues are planted in the subconscious and are too numerous to list. They are later utilized by the cult to control the survivor without his or her conscious awareness (visual symbols on greeting cards, flower colors and arrangements, common hand gestures, verbal phrases, body postures, facial movements). Brainwashing is an integral part of ritual abuse and cult indoctrination, and also serves to create amnesia for cult information such as names, places, etc., thus protecting cult secrecy. Hypnotic introduction of visual images during abuse can hamper later therapeutic efforts to uncover accurate memories.

Near death experiences: Particularly common via suffocation torture, near drownings (head is held under water). These are utilized for punishment, to promote “out of body experiences”, and are a common part of certain rituals. Victims may be resuscitated with oxygen.

Forced eating of flesh, excrement, and other fetid material: This is routine and is generally force-fed or given to child as a trick, concealed as something else after the child has been starved for days. “Ritual meals” of blood, flesh, semen, urine, etc., are consumed by all cult members during sacrifices to Satan. (These are commonly accompanied by nausea and vomiting). It is quite common for survivors to be very suspicious of food in general and to avoid many food types due to color or texture. Some survivors seem anorexic and others compulsively eat to combat “taste memories”.

Staged birthing of “bad babies”: Dead snakes, rats, objects are seemingly pulled from between the legs of small girls who are told they are giving birth to bad, rotten things. This serves to practice birthing and also is more “evidence” of how bad they are inside and need to be purified (by more abuse).

Teaching cognitive contusion: Opposites are constantly reconciled in cult behavior and training (be obedient/rebel, sex without pain is not pleasure, love and hate are the same, black is white, ugly is pretty, left is right). Children learn that none of society’s concepts are stable and often represent their opposite. The child must split inside to function within this cult confusion vs. the non-cult world. cult families frequently evidence different rules at home vs. at cult gatherings.